Archive for category Women/ feminism

Women’s History Month: Biopics About Women Writers

black butterflies

Black Butterflies [2011]
Director: Paula van der Oest
Starring: Carice van Houten, Liam Cunningham, Rutger Hauer
–about the volatile life of South African poet Ingrid Jonker


Sylvia [2003]
Starring: Gwyneth Paltrow, Daniel Craig
Director: Christine Jeffs
–focuses on relationship between poets Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes


Iris [2001]
Starring: Judi Densch, Jim Broadbent, Kate Winslet
Director: Richard Eyre
–lifelong romance between novelist Iris Murdoch and her husband John Bayley from their days as students through her battle with Alzheimer’s disease

becoming jane

Becoming Jane [2007]
Starring: Anne Hathaway
Director: Julian Jarrold
–pre-fame Jane Austen and her romance with a young Irishman

miss potter

Miss Potter [2006]
Starring: Renee Zellweger, Ewan McGregor, Emily Watson
Director: Chris Noonan
–Beatrix Potter, the author of the beloved and best-selling children’s book, “The Tale of Peter Rabbit”


The Children of the Century [1999]
Starring: Juliette Binoche, Benoit Magimel
Director: Diane Kurys
–love affair between novelist George Sand and author Alfred de Musset

mrs parker

Mrs. Parker and the Viscous Circle [1994]
Starring: Jennifer Jason Leigh, Cambell Scott, Peter Gallagher
Director: Alan Rudolph
–Dorothy Parker and her heyday with the Algonquin Round Table circle of friends


Impromptu [1991]
Starring: Judy Davis, Hugh Grant, Mandy Patinkin
Director: James Lapine
–writer George Sand pursues pianist/composer Frederic Chopin in 1830s France

angel at my table

An Angel at My Table [1990]
Starring: Kerry Fox, Alexia Keogh, Karen Fergusson
Director: Jane Campion
–Janet Frame grows up with lots of brothers and sisters in a poor family in 1920s and 1930s New Zealand. She always feels different from others. After getting education as a teacher, she’s sent to a mental institution for eight years. She gains success when she begins writing novels.

[reprinted from March 2013]

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Women’s History Month: choice quotes by women writers

The beauty of the world has two edges, one of laughter,
one of anguish, cutting the heart asunder.
–Virginia Woolf

Art is so much more real than life. Some art is much more real than some life, I mean.
–Rebecca West

All art deals with the absurd and aims at the simple.
–Iris Murdoch

Art does the same things dreams do. We have a hunger for dreams and art fulfills that hunger. So much of real life is a disappointment. That’s’ why we have art.
–Joyce Carol Oates

Real art has the capacity to make us nervous.
–Susan Sontag

I try to teach my heart not to want things it can’t have.
–Alice Walker

I didn’t fear failure. I expected failure.
–Amy Tan

Women are at last becoming persons first and wives second, and that is as it should be.
–May Sarton

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Women’s History Month: Documentaries about Women


Bhutto [2010]
–riveting, inspirational and moving documentary of the recently assassinated Benazir Bhutto who fought for democracy in Pakistan.


The Business of Being Born [2008]
–Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein investigate maternity care in the United States. fascinating whether you have children or not or plan to have children or not.


Venus and Serena [2012]
–engrossing documentary about top two tennis players in the world


What I Want My Words to Do to You [2003]
–A look at playwright Eve Ensler’s writing workshop inside Bedford Hills Correctional Facility for Women. intense. emotional.


Shut up and Sing [2006]
–the aftermath for the Dixie Chicks after Natalie Maines’ anti-George W. Bush statement at a 2003 concert.


Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer [2013]
–the story of the trial of the three Russian feminist punk singers/ performance artists on trial for a satirical performance in a Moscow cathedral.


Very Young Girls [2007]
–disturbing and hopeful film about Rachel Lloyd, a former sexually exploited youth-turned-activist, who started the New York City organization GEMS (Girls Educational and Mentoring Services) to help victimized young women escape their pimps and find another way of life.


Lioness [2008]
–The untold story of the first women in U.S. history to be sent into direct ground combat.


Searching for Debra Winger [2002]
–Rosanna Arquette directs this honest and important film about Hollywood sexism and ageism and why there aren’t very many good roles for women over the age of 35.

punk singer

The Punk Singer [2013]
–look at the life of activist, musician, and cultural icon Kathleen Hanna, who formed the punk band Bikini Kill and pioneered the “riot grrrl” movement of the 1990s.


Ballerina [2006]
–follows dancers at all levels of their careers through practice and performances.

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photo by Tonje Thilesen

photo by Tonje Thilesen

Portland band BLOUSE composes exquisitely dark, swirling Goth-pop writhing with existential themes. Magnetic. Moody. Brimming with haunting vocals and dreamy, moody compositions. After putting some initial recordings on Bandcamp and garnering the attention from a popular music blog, BLOUSE received offers from several record labels and signed a deal with Captured Tracks. The band’s currently on tour with Dum Dum Girls. I spoke with singer/songwriter Charlie Hilton via phone from the tour bus.

Amy Steele: You have a really beautiful voice. How did you realize you could sing or what got you into singing?

Charlie Hilton: My dad is a musician. My entire family is musical. My parents bought me the White Album when I was 12. That was my first CD. Then my dad bought me a guitar. I tried to learn every Beatles song. I tried to sing. I didn’t take any professional instruction until I started this band a few years ago. We were playing a lot of shows and I wanted to have a gentle voice and protect it.

Amy Steele: I imagine there’s a lot of strain especially if you’re touring.

Charlie Hilton: (My vocal coach) tells you to sing 70%. You always want to feel like going all-out every night. I don’t know if I do 70%. I try.

Amy Steele: What do you like about being a singer?

Charlie Hilton: I’m a pretty shy person. I feel I can be pretty awkward in conversations when I’m talking to people I don’t know. I feel like writing music and songs are the most effective way to communicate. And it’s not a conversation but it feels like a wonderful exchange. It’s very real and I can finally say exactly what I want to say. When I was younger I used to like to be the girl in the room with the guitar singing people to sleep.

Amy Steele: How did the band get together?

Charlie Hilton: I met Patrick [Adams—bass/drums] first at Portland State. We went to school together. I was studying for a graphic design degree. We started playing music together. Jake [multi-instrumentalist/ producer Jacob Portrait] is Patrick’s best friend. We started doing some demo’s together and decided to be a band.

Amy Steele: How does the songwriting work?

Charlie Hilton: I write all the lyrics and depending on the song, I’ll just write a song very basic– just the melody and lyrics. I’ll never do any production on my own. Then together we’ll figure out the sound. Sometimes we’ve just jammed together and I’ll write on top of that. It just depends on the song.

Amy Steele: What inspires you? What I get from the songs is a little moody, a bit darker, I love that though. That’s most of the music I listen to. Where do you get ideas from?

Charlie Hilton: I turn to dramatic and darker themes when I’m writing a song. It’s a nice opportunity to communicate something potentially profound in a delicate way. I think about mortality a lot and the meaning of life. Time and the nature of existence are fascinating to me. When you think about those things you can’t help but get a little dark. I always think about those grandiose things.

Amy Steele: What challenges do you feel you have as a woman in the music business?

Charlie Hilton: One challenge that usually comes up is that I’m dressing for a show and people think I should dress sexy. They say “show your skin.” I don’t think that’s something I need to do. Is that going to help me out? I usually just wear what I want to wear. It’s confusing. I always want to wear the least sexy thing. I want that not to be part of my thing.

Amy Steele: What’s someone going to get seeing BLOUSE live versus listening to the album?

Charlie Hilton: We play pretty loud. I hope it feels there’s more energy. We add little flourishes to some of the songs. Our set up is simple. The songs feel more powerful live.

purchase at Amazon: Imperium

BLOUSE on Twitter

BLOUSE Facebook page


03/15 – Houston, TX – Central Quad @ Rice University
03/16 – Dallas, TX – Spillover Festival
03/18 – Nashville, TN – Exit/In
03/19 – Birmingham, AL – Bottletree
03/20 – Atlanta, GA – The Earl
03/21 – Raleigh, NC – Kings
03/22 – Washington, DC – Black Cat
03/23 – Philadelphia, PA – Johnny Brenda’s
03/25 – New York, NY – Bowery Ballroom
03/26 – Brooklyn, NY – Music Hall of Williamsburg
03/27 – Boston, MA – Brighton Music Hall
03/28 – Montreal, QUE – Il Motore
03/29 – Toronto, ONT – Lee’s Place
03/30 – Ferndale, MI – Loving Touch
03/31 – Chicago, IL – Empty bottle
04/01 – Minneapolis, MN – Triple Rock
04/04 – Vancouver, BC – Biltmore
04/05 – Seattle, WA – Neumos
04/06 – Portland, OR – Doug Fir
04/08 – San Fransisco, CA – Independent
04/09 – San Jose, CA – The Blank Club

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Bailey’s Women’s Prize for Fiction– Longlist

previously known as the Orange Prize for Fiction – “celebrates excellence, originality and accessibility in women’s writing from throughout the world.”



Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie – Americanah

madd adam

Margaret Atwood – MaddAddam


Suzanne Berne – The Dogs of Littlefield

shadow of

Fatima Bhutto – The Shadow of the Crescent Moon

the bear

Claire Cameron – The Bear— read– ***/5

eleven days

Lea Carpenter – Eleven Days


M.J. Carter – The Strangler Vine


Eleanor Catton – The Luminaries

reasons she goes

Deborah Kay Davies – Reasons She Goes to the Woods


Elizabeth Gilbert – The Signature of All Things

Burial Rites

Hannah Kent – Burial Rites

flame throwers

Rachel Kushner – The Flamethrowers— read */5


Jhumpa Lahiri – The Lowland— read *****/5


Audrey Magee – The Undertaking


Eimear McBride – A Girl Is A Half-Formed Thing

almost english

Charlotte Mendelson – Almost English

still life

Anna Quindlen – Still Life with Bread Crumbs


Elizabeth Strout – The Burgess Boys— read ****/5


Donna Tartt – The Goldfinch

All the Birds Singing

Evie Wyld – All The Birds, Singing

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Choice Quotes: Wadjda


“Here. I made you a mix tape since we’re friends now. But don’t sell my bike.”

“Interested in your fathers glorious family tree? You aren’t included, it only includes men’s names.”

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on DVD: films directed by/ written by women



Written and directed by: Haifaa Al-Mansour
Starring: Waad Mohammed, Reem Abdullah, Abdullrahman Al Gohani

–a smart, spunky, brave Saudi girl signs on for her school’s Koran recitation competition to earn the remaining funds she needs in order to buy the green bicycle that she really wants even though it’s frowned upon for girls to ride bikes in Saudi Arabia.

130503m-The Reluctant Fundamentalist_Changez and Erica

The Reluctant Fundamentalist

–A young Pakistani man chasing corporate success on Wall Street finds himself embroiled in a conflict between his American Dream, a hostage crisis, and the enduring call of his family’s homeland.

Directed by: Mira Nair
Starring: Riz Ahmed, Liev Schreiber, Kiefer Sutherland, Kate Hudson

–riveting, intense film that questions intentions, good vs. evil, nationality, identity and prejudice with Nair’s gorgeous, thoughtful, heartbreaking direction.

Touchy Feely

Touchy Feely

–A massage therapist is unable to do her job when stricken with a mysterious and sudden aversion to bodily contact. Meanwhile, her uptight brother’s floundering dental practice receives new life when clients seek out his healing touch.

Written and directed by: Lynn Shelton
Starring: Rosemarie DeWitt, Ellen Page, Josh Pais, Allison Janney

–quirky, charming, sweet



–two best friends fall in love with each other’s teenage sons
Written and directed by: Anne Fontaine
Starring: Robin Wright, Naomi Watts

–unsettling topic but with Wright and Watts it’s beautifully acted and as much about friendship as about these affairs with the young men. plus gorgeous, idyllic scenery.

afternoon delight

Afternoon Delight

–Rachel, a savvy stay-at-home mom finds herself stuck in a rut of volunteering at preschool auctions, a lackluster sex life and long-gone career. When she visits a strip club to spice up her marriage and meets McKenna, she ends up adopting her as the family nanny.

Written and directed by: Jill Soloway
Starring: Kathryn Hahn, Juno Temple, Josh Radnor

–smart, astute script. unique film.


The Lifeguard

–29-year-old woman questioning her life’s direction, quits her reporter job in New York and moves home to Connecticut. she takes a job as a lifeguard and falls into a friendship with a teenager.

Written and directed by: Liz W. Garcia
Starring: Kristen Bell, Mamie Gumer, Martin Starr

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Choice Quotes: Musicians on Feminism


“I just think people should realize that all women are feminists and there’s no way around that.”
–Peaches [Merrill Nisker]


“I don’t want to be infantilized because i refuse to be sexualized,” she wrote. “I don’t want to be molested at shows or on the street by people who perceive me as an object that exists for their personal satisfaction.”
–Grimes [Claire Boucher]


“As far as I’m concerned, the most powerful feminist can do WHATEVER SHE WANTS. THAT IS WHAT DEFINES A TRUE FEMINIST.”
–Amanda Palmer


“There are two reasons why we frighten people. The first thing is that we’re a feminist, female group with no men connected to it, and the second is that we don’t have leaders.”
–Pussy Riot member to New Statesmen

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Choice Quote: Kiera Knightley on feminism


“I remember doing interviews, and people would ask, as if it was a joke, ‘So you mean you are a feminist?’ As though feminism couldn’t be discussed unless we were making fun of it. I don’t want to deny my femininity,” she said at the time.

“I think it’s great that the discussions are finally being allowed to be had [about feminism], as opposed to anybody mentioning feminism and everybody going, ‘Oh, f***ing shut up.’ Somehow, it became a dirty word. I thought it was really weird for a long time, and I think it’s great that we’re coming out of that.”

Harper’s Bazaar UK, February 2014 issue


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–Helena Bonham Carter is in talks to join Carey Mulligan and Anne-Marie Duff in Suffragette — a film about the nineteenth and early twentieth century women’s right to vote movement. The period piece will be directed by Sarah Gavron (Brick Lane) and written by The Iron Lady scribe Abi Morgan.


–Jessica Lange has signed on to play Mark Wahlberg’s put-upon mother in The Gambler, a remake of the 1974 film.


–Rashida Jones and her writing and producing partner, Will McCormack, just sold a “midnight-dark workplace dramedy-noir about a nail salon in Florida and the strange, dangerous women who work there” to HBO. Claws is the third show the pair behind Celeste and Jesse Forever have sold this year.

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