Three Different Workout DVDs: Core Fusion, Bollywood Blast, Shiva Rea yoga

Title: Exhale: Core Fusion Pure Abs & Arms
Running time: 50 minutes
MPAA: Not Rated
Release date: December 1, 2009
ASIN: 054961829590
Studio: Acacia Lifestyle
Review source: Acorn Media
Rating: A-

Wife and husband trainer team Elisabeth Halfpapp and Fred DeVito have developed this DVD which targets the entire upper body. The exercises are based on the duo’s popular Core Fusion and Core Fusion Sport classes that attract Heidi Klum, Cameron Diaz, Julia Roberts, Mario Lopez and Kate Hudson, among others. The program has been segmented into five ten minute sessions: Upper Body Weights; Upper Body; Abdominals; Abdominal Curl with Leg Variations and Upper Body, Back, and Hip Stretches. It is sure to easily fit any schedule.

Elisabeth is great. Fred is a bit dry. The exercises really target the core and this team knows its stuff. That is clear from doing several of the routines. It’s a fantastic workout to do daily: just pick one each day for ten minutes. My friend and I did both ab workouts and the Upper Body, Back and Hip Stretches and could definitely feel the burn. This is one DVD worth investing in.

Title: Exhale: Bollywood Dance Blast
Running time: 50 minutes
MPAA: Not Rated
Release date: December 1, 2009
ASIN: 054961850993
Studio: Acacia Lifestyle
Review source: Acorn Media
Rating: B

Bollywood films have always been popular throughout the world. <em>Slumdog Millionaire</em> has really only brought the music to the United States and also the dance number nod to Bollywood films at its ending. Hemalayaa, a Bollywood fitness star, features two new workouts on Bollywood Dance Blast. Each workout [Removing Obstacles and Celebrate!] is a 20-minute cardio routine.

The Indian music provides a grooving background beat and Hemalayaa has plenty of energy. Many of her moves are similar to basic aerobics set to Indian music. I wanted more Bollywood infuesed into it and that was disappointing that it was not. It still gets your heart pumping and is a fun work out.  When Hemalayaa started to focus on hip movement: openers and rotations, I enjoyed that and felt I worked parts of my body I might not otherwise concentrate on. It definitely felt good. She talks of getting rid of “biodegradable and compostable waste” (bad energy) and then put on “sexy spiritual boots” to stomp it back into the earth. <em><strong>Bollywood Dance Blast</strong></em> definitely will add variety to your work out routine.

Title: Exhale: Shiva Rea: Daily Energy Vinyasa Flow Yoga
Running time: 168 minutes
MPAA: Not Rated
Release date: December 1, 2009
ASIN: 054961831395
Studio: Acacia Lifestyle
Review source: Acorn Media
Rating: A

Shiva Rea’s latest DVD features seven 20-minute practices—one for each day of the week. There are six pre-set practices and there’s also a customizable Yoga Matrix where users can combine segments [I’ve used this feature on another Shiva Rea DVD and it is fantastic. You are left with endless opportunities for workouts. What YOU want to do]. Shiva Rea might take a bit of getting used to at first but her techniques work. You’ll feel looser, much more relaxed and lengthened after completing one of her sessions. And that’s the whole point of yoga isn’t it? Shiva Rea has a soothing voice, a perfect yoga body and expert poses. All her practices have excellent pacing and a variety of poses. After the workout I chose, I felt looser muscles, opened joints, and overall calmness. <em><strong>Shiva Rea: Daily Energy Vinyasa Flow Yoga</strong></em> is a must for your DVD workout collection.

<em>20-minute Practices:</em> Earth, Shanti, Heart-Air, Fire &Water, Water, Fire and Chakra Namaskar
<em>Extra Segments:</em> Solar Meditation, Lunar Meditation, Core, Forward Bends, and Shavasana


For more information on the DVDs visit the Acacia Lifestyle Website.

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  1. #1 by Infant Gist on December 14, 2009 - 14:00

    The thing is that the most inquiries come from beginners. They just haven’t had time to feel all the different exercises. For example, you need a certain mass of muscle just to be able to feel a “pump” or a strain – so that you need time before your body can speak to you.

  1. Interview: Elisabeth Halfpapp– co-founder of core fusion « ENTERTAINMENT REALM