He’s My Brother She’s My Sister: music review


Looking for new music to warm you up? You’ll be shimmying around to this charming debut album from He’s My Brother She’s My Sister. Alternating lead vocals, Rachel Kolar sings in a throaty, emotional rockabilly way while Robert Kolar has a forthright, baritone voice. HMBSMS mixes vintage musical stylings and nouveau alt- Americana with flair. Unusual instrumentation– stand-up bass, kick drum and guitar on a lap slide— bolsters the creativity level. “Let’s Go” grooves with super jangly twang. On the potent, super catchy “Electric Love” the vocals resonate with a Nick Cave quality at times. Hear tap dancing percussionist Lauren Brown do her thing on super-charged “Clackin’ Heels.” Dusty ambling urban brilliance on “Can’t See the Stars.” Smart, whimsical freedom.

Nobody Dances in This Town
Press the Van
release date: January 22, 2013




purchase at Amazon: Nobody Dances In This Town

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