BANNED BOOKS WEEK: Lessons from a dead girl by Jo Knowles.

Jo Knowles writes a decent story about teenagers and the challenges they face to fit in among their peers. Particularly in high school when kids start to experiment with drinking, pot and sex. Lainey gets befriended by a popular girl named Leah when she’s younger. Leah is the pretty one and Lainey is the timid folower. But instead of being a friend who’s always there for Lainey, Leah sexually abuses Lainey but explains to her that they are just “practicing” for boys. As the two grown older Lainey’s perceptions of friendship change and she realizes that Leah treated her poorly When Leah moves to a new school, Lainey makes her own friends but still sees Leah at parties where Leah becomes relentless in her teasing. In the end, it’s that age old story of being true to yourself and happy with yourself which is nearly impossible for high school.

banned for sexuality, underage drinking, same sex romance.

Age 14+

Grade: C+